
We can't wait to make music again with you this fall! Classes begin the week of August 24. This email is to explain our new COVID-19 procedures to help keep everyone safe and healthy! 
  1. Teachers will wear a face covering at all times. We are asking all students in Harmony Road classes and private lessons to wear a mask. We will have a designated space in the studio for any student that may need to take a moment to remove their mask. 
  2. As of right now, we are limiting our studio to everyone except teachers and students. This will keep the number of people in the studio under 10 at all times. 
  3. We are monitoring temperatures of students as they enter. Anyone with a fever over 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit will not be allowed to enter the building. 
  4. We are cleaning and sanitizing extensively between every class and also at the end of the day. 
  5. We have installed automatic hand sanitizer stations by the front door and the back classroom. 
  6. We have spaced keyboards 6 feet apart and have placed carpet circles 6 feet apart in front of the keyboards. We will not share instruments or hold hands. 
  7. Teachers have been equipped with a telescoping pointer so that they can point to things on the page or the keyboard and remain 6 feet away from students. 
  8. Each class will have its own box of instruments, used only by that class for the school year, and the instruments used will be sanitized at the end of the day. 
  9. Our landlord is working to install a window in the back of the large classroom and a fan will be placed in the window to allow for air to be blown out. This is particularly for singers and will be used as a sectioned off space specifically for them. 
  10.  We will not do as much singing in classes. Instead, we will focus on rhythm, note reading, ear training, audition, and ensemble playing. Students are asked to sing with their CDs at home. 
  11. Families that prefer to remain online may Zoom into the class each week to continue to learn along with their peers. 
  12. While we are working hard to make sure we can provide the most safe environment for all our students, we know that we cannot promise a completely germ-free space. If you would prefer not to continue with in-person classes, please let us know as soon as possible and we will try to work with each of you to make sure there is not a hiccup in your musical education.
We are working hard to bring you an amazing 2020-2021 school year! These last few months have been a challenge, and we are amazed at how each student has handled their learning with perseverance and general happiness. 

As always, if you have any questions, please let us know!